Wall Street Journal Crossword Answers Feb 4 2025 were just published. The solution for Tuesday, 4 February 2025 Puzzle is here for you, if you need help.
The Puzzle Grid for Today is 15 boxes wide and 15 boxes tall. It’s name is Parliamentary Procedure. The todays puzzle is classified as an American type of puzzle and was created By Glenn Cook & Edited by Mike Shenk. It has a total of 39 Horizontal Clues and 40 Vertical clues, which need to be solved to completely solve the puzzle.
WSJ Printable Version PDf is HERE.
- 1. Fuel economy statMPG
- 4. Pitching starACE
- 8. ROTC drillerSGT
- 12. Philosophy suffixISM
- 16. “Anywhere” singer RitaORA
- 17. “Shoulda listened to me!”TOLDYOU
- 19. “The Matrix” heroNEO
- 20. Stashed awayHID
- 21. Hand press part that holds the paperFRISKET
- 22. Runway model?JET
- 23. “Brokeback Mountain” director LeeANG
- 24. Sits at a red lightIDLES
- 25. Take advantage ofUSE
- 26. Perch for a polar bearICEFLOE
- 29. Show disdain forSNEERAT
- 32. Modernize, as a factoryRETOOL
- 33. Much of the WSJ’s “A” sectionUSNEWS
- 34. FortitudeGRIT
- 36. Suffix for bachelor or majorETTE
- 38. Emcee’s handfulMIC
- 42. AdvocateESPOUSE
- 44. Radius settingARM
- 48. BeautifyADORN
- 50. Not just someALL
- 51. George and Jane’s son, in cartoonsELROY
- 53. Where the rubber meets the road?SOLE
- 54. Amusement park attractionsRIDES
- 57. “The Hurt Locker” dangers, for shortIEDS
- 58. Emmy winner AlanALDA
- 59. Not reactiveINERT
- 60. YesteryearPAST
- 61. A TD scores sixPTS
- 63. Computer port lettersUSB
- 65. Taken in by a tailor, sayALTERED
- 70. Long choux pastriesECLAIRS
- 75. Conceal, or dischargeSECRETE
- 76. Ticket resellerSCALPER
- 77. With 69-Across, half of Parliament, and a hint to the circled wordsHOUSEOF
- 78. See 68-AcrossCOMMONS
- 1. Fuzzy sweater materialMOHAIR
- 2. “Purple Rain” performerPRINCE
- 3. DoodadGADGET
- 5. Org. that licenses gun dealersATF
- 6. Effect resulting from the Earth’s rotationCORIOLIS
- 7. Omit phoneticallyELIDE
- 9. Comedian WandaSYKES
- 10. Freaks outGOESNUTS
- 11. Chiding syllableTUT
- 13. HurtINJURE
- 14. Piece of playground equipmentSEESAW
- 15. Sacred choral compositionsMOTETS
- 18. High-speed connection, for shortDSL
- 27. Visibility hindererFOG
- 28. Sophia of “Two Women”LOREN
- 30. First name in cosmeticsESTEE
- 31. U-turn from WSWENE
- 35. “I’m ‘n Luv (Wit a Stripper)” rapperTPAIN
- 37. Calculus pioneer LeonhardEULER
- 39. Tortilla flourMASA
- 40. Immunity token on “Survivor”IDOL
- 41. ChillyCOLD
- 43. Quaint descriptorOLDE
- 45. Geometry calculationAREA
- 46. Curtain holdersRODS
- 47. Computer game set on an islandMYST
- 49. Harvesting machinesREAPERS
- 52. Relief for chapsLIPBALM
- 55. Meet, as a challengeRISETO
- 56. Textured wall finishSTUCCO
- 62. Plum or pearTREE
- 64. Close in angerSLAM
- 66. Fire proof?ASH
- 67. Cat in the heavensLEO
- 68. Home of the NCAA’s Horned FrogsTCU
- 69. Dict. offeringDEF
- 71. PC keyESC
- 72. NYSE eventIPO
- 73. Cartoon ChihuahuaREN
- 74. Some H.S. studentsSRS